Fro a Born Again Christian View Do Buddist Believe in Giving Birthday and Christmas Presents?

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Countries that do not gloat Christmas

The festive season passes unmarked in fewer than 20 of the world's nations

Christmas decorations

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Christmas celebrations accept many unlike forms, as countries around the world mark the festive flavour with their own traditions and practices.

Simply of the most 200 countries on Earth, a handful of not-Christian nations don't recognise Christmas and have no course of public holiday or observation to mark the nascency of Jesus Christ.

At to the lowest degree twoscore countries don't have official public holidays at Christmas, though more than half of these nations do have at least some course of public observation, such as the occasional Christmas tree.

Here are the remaining eighteen countries in which the populations exercise not observe Christmas in whatsoever way at all:


The Muslim-majority nation has had a turbulent relationship with Christianity and its holidays for decades. This heightened during the Taliban rule of the 1990s, and "two decades on, at that place is little sign that the Taliban has changed", said John Pontifex at The Times.

The tension betwixt Christians and other minority faiths in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan is likely to proceed now that the extremist grouping is once again in command of the country. For those religious groups, the takeover caused "a catastrophe", said Pontifex.

Christmas is almost never celebrated here, with those that choose to do and then running the take chances of persecution.


Another Muslim-majority nation, Algeria has not observed Christmas in any official capacity since it gained its independence from French republic, a mostly Catholic nation, in 1962.

However, the country'south population of Christian African migrants, alongside diplomats and locals, have held small celebrations. A market, organised by a the faith-based clemency Caritas in 2017, came as a sign of "stable security in a country that has rebounded from a decade of Islamist militant violence", Reuters reported.


With a Christian population of just 10,000 (less than ane% of the country's total), Christmas is not role of the Bhutanese calendar, where Buddhism takes precedence.


The public celebration of Christmas has been banned in the tiny oil-rich Islamic land of Negara brunei darussalam since 2015, with anyone constitute violating the law facing up to five years in jail or a fine of United states of america $20,000, or both.

Although non-Muslims are immune to celebrate the holiday within their own communities, they are non allowed to share their plans with the country's Muslims, who make up about two-thirds of the population.

Co-ordinate to the country's Ministry of Religious Diplomacy, the rules are "intended to control the human action of celebrating Christmas excessively and openly, which could harm the aqidah (creed) of the Muslim customs". One expat told that "the merely way to enjoy the festive season is to get out for a holiday".


Co-ordinate to the Daily Express, Christmas in China is "another working day and schools, offices and shops all remain open", adding: "The country is officially a non-religious country, so Christmas was in one case completely banned."

In 2018, authorities began "cracking down on Christmas", with citizens ordered "to instead focus on promoting traditional Chinese culture", said The Guardian.

Union of the comoros

At 98% Sunni Muslim, the Comoros archipelago in the Indian Ocean takes a firm stance against Christianity. Sunni Islam became the religion of the state following a referendum in 2018, which World Watch Monitor reported was "expected to have a tough touch on the country's small-scale Christian minority".

WorldAtlas reported that the open practice of Christianity is prohibited, and Comoros has "been on the Globe Sentry list for the past 22 years for the persecution of Christians"


Christmas has non been celebrated in this predominantly Muslim nation for years. Nevertheless, 24 December is the state's independence day, which gives crusade for celebration. This year, presidential elections will too accept place on Christmas Eve, the first national election for vii years.

Islamic republic of mauritania

The government of Mauritania, despite having a small population of Christians within its borders, chooses not to recognise them at all, with the most contempo census claiming that 100% of the country is Muslim.


The overwhelmingly Buddhist nation of Mongolia does not detect whatever public holidays around Christmas, and few Christians alive here. 1 January is a public holiday, simply citizens also concur a three-day celebration for the Mongolian Lunar New year, known equally Tsagaan Sar, at the start of the get-go lunar month.

Due north Korea

Christmas "is something of a non-outcome" in North korea, reported The Contained. The country'due south extreme, disciplinarian interpretation of atheism as supposedly laid out in communist doctrine has led to the total outlawing of all things Christmas.

"The North Korean government works difficult to ensure information almost religious holidays does non enter the then-called hermit kingdom," the newspaper continued. Anyone who did mark the vacation could be "imprisoned, tortured or ordered to death".


The country'due south extremely modest Christian population "remains full of insecurity" about celebrating Christmas, co-ordinate to news site Parhlo, and in that location can exist a "threat to the lives of the people jubilant the events".

The 25 December is a public holiday in Pakistan, but to commemorate the birthday of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, considered to be the founder of the nation, rather than the nascence of Jesus.

Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

Christmas is a non-event among the predominantly Islamic population of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, a partially recognised country that claims sovereignty over the entire territory of Western Sahara.

Saudi arabia

Christmas copse or the holding of any Christmas-related festivals were for years banned for decades in Saudi arabia, said Al Bawaba.

Just "Christmas trees and glitter ornaments" for sale in the capital Riyadh are "a sign of the changing times", reported The Arab Weekly. Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman bin Abdulaziz has claimed he is committed to steering the kingdom towards an "open, moderate Islam".


In 2015, Somalia, which adopted Sharia law in 2009, banned the commemoration of Christmas outright, warning that such Christian festivities could threaten the nation'southward Muslim faith.


Half dozen years ago, the by and large secular former Soviet state of Tajikistan outlawed Christmas trees and giving presents in schools. "The use of fireworks, festive meals, gift-giving and raising money" were prohibited through a prescript issued by the instruction ministry.


Although Christmas is non banned hither, Tunisia has almost no public celebrations of the vacation and it is a regular work twenty-four hour period for the land.


Despite almost 10% of the country existence Eastern Orthodox Christians, Christmas is non celebrated hither. Instead, Uzbekistan's New Twelvemonth celebrations closely resemble Christmas festivities, complete with copse and the exchange of gifts. Withal, it is a secular vacation.

Republic of yemen

The state of war-torn state of Yemen has non officially observed Christmas for decades. Last year, Yemeni citizens in the neighbourhood of Al-Jahmiliya lit "hundreds of candles" on 25 December, "to draw the world'southward attending" to cease the war in their city Taez, Euronews reported.


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